Yin and Yang- The perfect Balance

Hey guys Hope you all are doing great. I feel really apologetic while writing this post as I have not been actively posting for a month. I got my finals and other stuff to do. I was being lazy too. I will continue to post every week from now onwards. I was reading about the Yin and Yang qualities present in nature and how they balance each other.


Yin Yang is basically a concept originated from an ancient religion “Taoism” in Chinese culture. Taoism believers believe that there is no Creator of the Universe but there are specific laws and confirmed rules by which Universe is being run. They prefer to live in harmony with those principles and Yin Yang concept is one of them.

The Yin Yang symbol defines the concept perfectly. There is good “white” in the world and there are bad elements ” Black” in the world too. There is always bad in good and good in bad i.e white in black and black in white.

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A misconception that I found that people think Yin qualities belong to women and Yang qualities belong to men. That’s how our cultures are supposed to be. We see organized image of world only if both genders perform in their own circles and don’t allow the liberty to go out of the way.

Some of the attributes that are associated with Yin and Yang are:



Yin and Yang qualities are opposite of each other and can be found in any human, in any place, even we can observe this Yin-Yang concept all across the universe. There are opposites of things everywhere. There’s night to the day, ocean to the landscapes, sun to the moon and so on. Similarly, when comes to humans ( the most complex beings ) there’s is perfect amalgamation of both extremes in genders. There’s no boundary set, yet there are some masculine element and some are feminine.

Mixture of Yin and Yang qualities is present in both males and females.


So, if we understand the basic philosophy of Yin and Yang concept and associate with the Universe, we will come to know that there is perfect balance of everything in the Universe. Even we all can witness in our lives too. And if the better we understand, the better our lives get.

Drop your comments down below and share your thoughts. See you soon 🙂Baby Boy!


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